Sole Expressions Dance Studio "Moving the mind, body and spirit"
Sole Expressions Dance Studio   "Moving the mind, body and spirit"


Each dance class except for Pre-pointe, Stretch and Strengthen, and Improv 4/5 will have an individual costume for our recital in the spring. We will be ordering costumes in October.  Please bring your payment to your child’s dance teacher during class that week and if paying by check, make the check payable to Sole Expressions. Please write on the envelope the child's name, teacher, and which classes you are paying for (Ex. Martie Bergdahl $55.00 Kris' Intro to Ballet, $55.00 Heidi's Intro to Tap).  You may write one check for multiple costumes and/or children.  If you do not pay for your costume on time, one will not be ordered for your child. Costumes are made by the manufacturer only after an order is placed, which makes the timeline for ordering costumes and receiving payments in a timely manner important.  Shipping fees will be added to late costume orders.



Costume Fees are:

Pre, Intro, Intermediate, and Level 1 - $55.00 per costume

Boys Hip Hop - $60.00 per costume

Levels 2-7, lyrical/contemporary, level 6-8 improv, and pointe I - $65.00 per costume



Reminder - No costume for pre-pointe.  They do not have a dance in the recital.

Reminder - No costume for Stretch and Strengthening.  They do not have a dance in the recital.

Reminder - No costume for level 4/5 improv.  They do have a dance in the recital, but will do a closet pull like previous years.


Fall Registration

Contact Heidi for availability at


Where To Find Us

Sole Expressions Dance Studio
1201 North Main Street Suite 8

Viroqua, WI  54665


Studio Hours

Our dance studio is open while in session on:


Monday 4:30-9:15

Tuesday 4:00-6:00

Wednesday 4:00-9:00

Thursday 4:00-6:30


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© Sole Expressions Dance Studio